This tab allows users to look into intersections of the data presented in the Permanent Housing Move-ins plots in the first tab. Use the tool to the right to form data tables or graphs. Drag and drop the variables in the top row of the tool into the box on the left and the table on the right will populate with the variables selected. There is no limit to the number of variables that can be viewed at the same time.
Dropdown menus for each variable can be used to filter out certain values. The most useful measure types are “Count,” “Count as Fraction of Rows,” and “Count as Fraction of Columns.”
Try it out:
Click the arrow on the dropdown menu and change the “Count” measure to “Count as Fraction of Columns” in the default table to see the proportion of those moving into RRH and PSH by each gender category.
Switch out the “Gender” variable to “Veteran” by dragging the “Veteran” variable down and dropping it next to the “Gender” variable, and dragging the “Gender” variable up and dropping it with the others.
Now change the measure from “Count as a Fraction of Columns” to “Count as Fraction of Rows” to see the proportion of Veterans (and non-Veterans) in each of the two Permanent Housing program types.
Start fresh, and create a new table with “Gender” categories as the column titles and “Race/Ethnicity” categories as the row titles to see the intersection of these two variables. To see this data for only one year, click on the dropdown button in the “Year” variable and filter accordingly.
Data Updated as of October 19, 2021
The Austin/Travis County Continuum of Care Dashboard allows users to explore Homelessness Response System data. Users can interact with various tabs on the dashboard to gain a deeper understanding of trends in the Austin/Travis County Homelessness Response System. Data come from the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), a database that service providers use to collect data on the services they provide people experiencing homelessness.
Data used in this dashboard will be updated regularly, and users are encouraged to revisit the dashboard as new data are added. Permanent housing move-in data will be updated monthly and system capacity data will be updated quarterly.
As a result of the Summit to Address Unsheltered Homelessness in March 2021, the Austin/Travis County community has set a goal of housing 3,000 additional people into permanent housing (PH) units—either Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) or Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)—by December 2024. Progress toward this goal will be measured from April 2021 to December 2024 and will be tracked in this dashboard.
An average of approximately 100 people have moved into PH programs each month from early 2019 to early 2021. Additional permanent housing move-ins will be measured as those above and beyond this baseline of 100 people per month. All additional permanent housing move-ins contribute to the Summit goal of 3,000 additional people housed.
More information on the service providers included in this dashboard and links to their websites can be found here.
Capacity Update Compliance
The following organizations did not provide a capacity update in the most recent quarter. We have assumed their capacity is equal to the previous quarter.
Chronic: The number of people experiencing chronic homelessness. Chronicity is defined as living with a disability and in a place not meant for human habitation, a safe haven, or and emergency shelter for at least 12 consecutive months, or on at least four separate occasions in the last 3 years where the combined occasions total a length of time of at least 12 months.
Family: The number of people living in a household with at least two members and at least one person under the age of 18.
Unsheltered at Entry: The number of people who entered a Permanent Housing program from an unsheltered living situation.
Youth: The number of people who live in households that are headed by someone under the age of 25.
Minimal Housing Assistance (MHA): Support services designed to assist individuals with low housing barriers or persons likely to self-resolve their homelessness.
Coordinated Entry: The Homelessness Response System’s consolidated housing application process whereby anyone experiencing homelessness in Austin/Travis County can apply for all possible housing programs at the same time and get the same answer about all immediate and future program openings.
Coordinated Assessment (CA): The vulnerability index tool used by the Homelessness Response System to prioritize individuals and families most in need of housing services. The assessment is administered by trained direct service staff across various community service providers. Once assessed, households are referred to the programs they qualify for.
By-name list (BNL): A list of all heads of household who have entered the Homelessness Response System, completed a Coordinated Assessment (CA), and are either on a prioritization or program referral list. The BNL is updated daily by ECHO and service provider staff. People come off the list when they have moved into housing, a staff member knows they have found permanent housing on their own, or ECHO and service providers think, with reasonable certainty, are no longer experiencing homelessness in Austin/Travis County (e.g., the client left the area, entered long-term medical institutionalization or incarceration, or has passed away).
Prioritization List: A list of heads of household who completed a CA and have expressed a need for a permanent housing (PH) program intervention—either Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) or Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)—but have not been connected to a specific program yet. Some people on this list are waiting for RRH, some for PSH, and others for either.
Program referral list: A list of heads of household who have been referred to a PH program but who have not moved into housing yet.
ES - Emergency Shelter: Projects that offer temporary shelter for those experiencing homelessness. Services and benefits are designed to orient and support people to connect to permanent housing.
SH - Safe Haven: Projects that offer supportive housing to people experiencing homelessness with severe mental illness who are otherwise not accessing housing programs in the system.
TH - Transitional Housing: Projects that provide temporary lodging and are designed to help those experiencing homelessness move into permanent housing within a specified period of time (no longer than 24 months).
PSH - Permanent Supportive Housing: An evidence-based practice and permanent housing intervention for persons with a disability that includes ongoing rental subsidy and offers intensive support services throughout program participation.
RRH - Rapid Re-Housing: A short-term permanent housing intervention that includes housing locations services, rental assistance not to exceed 24 months, and housing-focused case management.
The number of year-round beds in Homelessness Response System programs.
Currently, data on beds are based on the annual Housing Inventory Count (conducted in January).
This measure indicates the number of individuals the system has capacity for.
Move-ins: The number of people who have moved into a housing unit while enrolled in a permanent housing program (either Rapid Re-Housing or Permanent Supportive Housing) in the Homelessness Response System. Move-ins are deduplicated by only counting one move-in per person per month.
Unsheltered Homelessness: A one day approximation of the number of people likely to be experiencing unsheltered homelessness. This estimate comes from the by-name list (BNL) from HMIS at approximately the start of each month.
Sheltered Homelessness: A one day approximation of the number of people enrolled in emergency shelter, transitional housing, or Safe Haven at approximately the start of each month, as recorded in HMIS.
Annual Enrollment: The number of enrollments in the Homelessness Response Sytem in the past 12 months. People may be enrolled in more than one program.
Newly Enrolled in Past Year: The number of enrollments of people who are new to the Homelessness Response System. People may be enrolled in more than one program.
Returns to Homelessness: The proportion of people who return to the Homelessness Response System within 2 years of exiting a project to a Permanent Housing destination.