Homeless Management Information System
The Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) is a person-level database providers across our community use to track needs and resources. HMIS is a central tool in our efforts to implement communitywide data-driven solutions that end people’s homelessness and help people maintain stability long-term.
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HMIS Helpdesk
Homeless Management Information System
About HMIS
A Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) is a database used to record and track client-level information on the characteristics and service needs of people experiencing homelessness. An HMIS ties together service providers within a community to help create a coordinated and effective housing and service delivery system.
HUD requires every Continuum of Care (CoC) across the country to utilize an HMIS. Agencies funded through the federal CoC Program must use HMIS. Many agencies not funded through this program also share data with our local HMIS. Most service providers in Austin and Travis County use the database in some way.
Frequently Asked Questions
Note: Community Services was formerly called ServicePoint
What is HMIS?
HUD requires every Continuum of Care to maintain a centralized database called a Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). An HMIS is a local information technology system used to collect client-level data and data on the provision of housing and services to individuals and families experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
What is Community Services (formerly ServicePoint)?
Community Services is a flexible, web-based software system used by human services organizations to manage and coordinate services, guide resource allocation, and demonstrate effectiveness. The Austin/Travis County Continuum of Care (CoC) uses the Community Services software for our CoC’s HMIS.
How soon can my agency/organization implement Community Services?
The site can be available within five business days; however, the roll out date will depend on your policy and procedure readiness, how quickly we can configure the system, and any customizations and/or conversions you may have requested. Users will also require training prior to gaining access to the system.
How much does Community Services cost?
Community Services user licenses are at no cost to providers. New User Training and support are included and required to gain access to the system.
How do I request a license and what is the fastest way to add an HMIS license to my agency?
Agency Admins are responsible for initiating this process. Agency Admins are responsible for signing up new users and for registering staff for HMIS trainings. As outlined in the HMIS Agency Admin training, the Agency Admin must also create a profile for the new user in the back end of HMIS. A guide showing that process can be found under the HMIS Training tab and Agency Admin Guides and Tools section. Once that is complete, the Agency Admin or new user should submit an HMIS HelpDesk Ticket requesting a license to be assigned to their profile.
If you do not have an Agency Admin at this time, please submit an HMIS Helpdesk Ticket, so the HMIS team can assist.
Will anyone else have access to my data?
The data housed in HMIS is secured and cannot be accessed by anyone outside of the HMIS system. HMIS participating agencies share information with each other as authorized by the person or household being served (client) and only share outside the system with client permission.
Who owns the data we put into Community Services?
You do.
What standard reports does Community Services generate?
HUD annual report, statistical reports, service transaction reports, referral reports, met/unmet needs reports, cost of service reports, and more.
Can Community Services generate custom reports?
Community Service’s Report Writer can query the most recent data in most database fields. Additionally, the Business Objects reporting tool (BO) offers an array of intelligent reporting options. Providers can make a request to the HMIS Department for a custom report. Those are evaluated based on need and the amount of time building the requested report will take.
Policies & Procedures
Documents & Forms
HMIS Project Set-Up